
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Honey Datsun With Ice Cream

Ate this famous Chinese dessert (mentioned as Honey Datsun with Ice Cream in the restaurant Menu) and got bowled over . The combination of the nuttiness of the toasted sesame seeds, the  ice cream and the crisp honeyed strips simply rocks! The best part is you can make the crispies and the honey sauce ahead of time and store. You will just need to put things together and you have a quick impressive dessert for your guests or a super treat for yourself on a lazy weekend.

This recipe is also my entry to Priya's Event 'Cooking With Sesame Seeds


For the crispies:

1/2 cup maida
Just enough water to knead into a firm dough.
Oil for frying

For the honey sauce.

2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons water.

A tablespoon lightly roasted sesame seeds.
A family pack of good quality Vanilla Ice cream.

Divide the maida dough into medium sized balls. On a floured surface, roll into very thin chapatis, dredging with maida . Cut into fingers (aprox 2 cms wide and 1.5 inches long) using a sharp knife. Fry in medium hot oil, till the strips turn golden and crisp. Drain excess oil on a kitchen towel. Repeat the process with the rest of the dough. Store the crisps in an air tight container.

In a small saucepan, heat the sugar and the water on a low flame. Keep stirring until the sugar dissolves completely and the mixture thickens slightly. Take the saucepan off the fire. Stir in the honey. Keep the sauce aside to cool.

To serve: Place the crisps in a large shallow vessel. Pour the honey sauce over the crisps and toss gently,ensuring the sauce coats the crisps well. Sprinkle the toasted sesame seeds on the honeyed crisps. Arrange the crisps around a scoop (or two:-) of vanilla ice cream placed in a wide dessert bowl. Serve immediately.

Note: If the sauce thickens, warm it slightly. Don not put the sauce on the crispies when it is still hot as they will turn soggy. Also, do not put too much of sauce as the dessert will become too sweet.

The above recipe serves 4. Make that 2 if you have a sweet tooth like me:-))


Nithu Bala said...

Wow! looks delicious..new here..love your space Dear..I'm following you..

Unknown said...

It was delicious when you made this for us!! <3

Unknown said...

That comment was mine... Divya Rao