

A compulsive, obsessed, self-taught home baker, an incorrigible foodie with a humongous sweet tooth - you are saying hello to me! Having been bitten hard by the baking bug, I love every moment of baking in my very tiny, ahem..mostly disorganized Indian kitchen. Food generally, baking in particular is my passion. Welcome to my blog which is mostly baking, desserts, some basics, some how-to's and a bit of traditional Madhwa Brahmin Cuisine. The idea behind the blog is to connect with other baking enthusiasts, share recipes which have worked for me, learn from some not-so-successful (sometimes disastrous even :-) ) ones too. This blog is also an attempt to gather and share information about ingredients and baking paraphernalia In Bangalore. Do join me as I bake and hop around Bangalore in search of that elusive baking ingredient.

Apart from rambles about food, you will a little too often find me whining and complaining about my two kids, aged 7(the imp masquerading as a cute, sometimes sweet girl) and 12 (the smart chap who firmly believes he is Enzo Ferrari being unnecessarily forced to go to school!). I am a big (literally!) foodie and one with a compulsive urge to bake almost everyday to boot! Healthy living is of paramount importance, weighty matters rear their head often..sigh! Here comes in the constant quest for low-fat and healthier alternatives. The passionate entrepreneur hubby and the kids are my tasters-testers. Without them sharing my enthusiasm for food, my food life would have not been as easy!

As a self-taught baker, I have also attempted to share some basics I have learnt along the way. Please do stop by here
 if you are new to the world of baking. Please do read through the posts thoroughly to achieve the best results. I use both my LG microwave and my tiny 14 liter Morphy Richards OTG for baking. I dream of owning a big oven and a kitchen big enough to house it one day!

Home-baking is one of the most satisfying things ever! What you bake at home can't be found in any bakery or patisserie, well..almost! Home-baked bakes are fresher than fresh and the joy of churning out these to your loved ones is unparalleled. Baking at home is a whole lot healthier, with carefully chosen ingredients, customized taste, sans the preservatives and harmful trans-fats. Yes..I am trying to get you to bake if you are hesitant! You may not be super-successful at first but you will get there with patience - trust me. There is an amazing world here, very addictive and immensely gratifying. Step in and you are here forever! So do turn your oven on, let one of the best interludes with food begin!

The blog is in no way a claim to any kind of expertise, I am just another passionate baker. But please do get in touch with me via comments or emails for any queries I can help with, to give me feedback or just to say hello! I would love to hear from you! If you do not hear back from me, forgive me as I mostly live in chaos. You are welcome to remind me that the reply is still due! Mail me at suma dot rowjee at gmail dot com. Connect with me on

Keep the passion flowing!

Suma Rowjee

Find something you are passionate about and keep tremendously interested at it – Julia Child


Devyani said...

You are doing a great job with this blog...keep going :)...as a bangalorean myself, I truly appreciate the kind of information you post here. Thanks!

Mancy said...

Hey Suma...

I just hit your blog while i was searching for pure vanilla extract as i have seen in TLC checfs using them in all their baking sessions ! I am glad I found the blog and thank you so much for all the details you have given which any passionate baker would love to know !


Sugarinmycup said...

Hi Suma,

I loved your blog. I love baking and chanced upon your blog while surfing for some nice Indian blogs on baking.I am fairly new to blogging and am still figuring out my way! I really appreciate the way you have managed your blog. Thumbs up to you!!!


Veena said...

hi, jus bumped into ur blog nd was delighted by how similar we are. pls do visit my space www.tastefullyveggie.blogspot.com when u find time :)

Unknown said...

Wow Suma , gr8 to see Sumas Cakes blog:)
Will definitely try these

Unknown said...

Hi Suma,

Your article on yeast was immensely helpful. I am a novice baker (self taught) and experienced quite a bit of failure with active dry yeast. Finally I got some instant yeast from the US and tasted success with a boule :)
I appreciate your detailing in recipes and tips.


Unknown said...

I love your blog and the fact that you so generously share your knowledge of baking. Thanks for the information on where to find baking ingredients in Bangalore .

Vibha said...

Hi Suma
I came across ur blog yesterday by chance based on a post in HBG and I must pay my tributes and express my appreciation for all the efforts in compiling such info and also for being so generous in sharing ur learning. so painstakingly don and so beautiful.

Maria George said...

I'm visiting your blog for the first time. And just the way you've written the 'About Me' brings a smile to my face.

vineet said...

Good initiative Suma. Can you tell me which convection oven is good for baking burger buns, breads? I have an otg but its fanless. Thanks!

Anooja said...

Hii Suma....you have a very interesting blog and its been lovely to go through it..the tips and the information is so good...good work...all the best and keep posting...

Shalini said...

Hi, I just happened to watch your videos like baking for beginners. I want to know the safe vessels to be used in OTG. As Aluminium is not a safe metal anymore. Please guide

Diana said...

I just read your new post on easy puff pastry, and was delighted to find a treasure trove of recipes here. I am also a baking enthusiast, glad to have found someone who loves to bake ! :-)

Rajeswari said...

H there...just was browsing thru the web found ur blog,seems amazing..hope to try recipes.All the best and thanks

Dr Mohit said...

Have seen most of the videos on baking posted by you.
Find them very encouraging too!!
I need an eggless sponge cake recipe please.
Please do guide how to go about!

Suma Rowjee said...

Thank you so much! Please check this website Gayathriscookspot.com. you will find plenty of eggless recipes