
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Madhuri's Guest Post On My Blog

Its incredible what has been happening in the last few weeks since I started blogging!! My exposure to food, baking in particular, has been mind boggling. I have been cooking and baking since quite some time, but have learnt so much only in the last few weeks. Howzatt!! I had earlier thought of my obsession with food as insane and abnormal. I am so so happy to discover that I am perfectly sane and normal:-))) There are so many folks out there who obsess with food as much or more than I do.Yaayyy!!

I have been interacting with so many foodies who are so willing to share recipes, tips and techniques, filling such a huge void I had had all these years in this area. Thanks guys for being such a supportive community!! Am thrilled at the thought of like minded folks being just a click away! Isn't that great!! May the foodie bloggers tribe increase!

Now coming to my fellow blogger and  friend Madhuri Kumar of Cook - Curry Nook.  It has been wonderful knowing her and having her as a friend and a foodie friend at that!! And we live in the same city and within reasonable driving distance(read within distance of delivering food, desserts. Wink:-)) She is the one who also gave me my first ever award which coincidentally arrived when my blog turned a month old. Thanks a ton Madhuri for the award as well as being such a pal. She has agreed to write the first guest post on my blog. Thanks again!!

Madhuri has been blogging since 4 months and she has an amazing repertoire of recipes and such drool-worthy pics on her blogs. Be sure to visit her blog , in case you haven't done so yet. Her yummmilicious Alu Makkai Sev Di Tikki, Rich Chocolate Cake, Oats Kharabhat and Bread Dahi Vada will have you scooting to your kitchen to try these out. I am really looking forward to put up her guest post here. Pssstt ..she has promised that she will be also be getting the dish for me to taste and not just show me a fab picture of the dish. Now - am really, really, really looking forward to that!! :-))

Watch this space for the delicious post from Madhuri!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for those inspiring words about my blog Suma. It humbles me :)
I hope I can live up to your expectations and sure, I promise to get you to taste the dish, apart from emailing you a pic to drool at! Thanks so much once again for asking me to guest post on your lovely blog.

Deepa G Joshi said...

hey thats nice.will wait for her guest post now...

Divya Kudua said...

Sounds so good..yeah blogging really makes you feel sane:):)

M D said...

Wow! Waiting for that post to come from Madhuri!

Deepti Pawar said...

So Cool! I am waiting for the post, Madhuri! And Suma, your blog sets me drooling every single time I hop onto it!