
Monday, December 13, 2010

Cakes And More Turns One Shortly! An Announcement And A Giveaway!!!

Cakes And More turns one on 10th January!!

At the outset, my sincere and heartfelt thanks to all my readers for visiting my blog,  the encouraging comments and keeping me motivated! 

Allow me to tell you how I started this blog. One of my colleagues suggested that I write a baking blog, hubby gave me a big thumbs-up, gave the final push to reluctant me when he wrote the first two sentences of my first post and then handed over CAM to me. Then I started writing in a frenzy, pulling out all my treasured old cake pictures from my Picasa album...amused hubby tried to temper my enthusiasm as I wrote 22 posts in the first month(my highest so far).  Wrote the first 10 posts or so then messaged my friends at midnight with my blog URL. I wanted something there when they read my blog:-)).

And am I so glad I started blogging! Almost a year and a modest hundred plus posts, I am a happy baker- blogger. As I keep saying, learning so many new things, knowing people who share the same passion, people who I can actually ask 'Hey, what's baking today?' has been a rewarding outcome. Am so much in awe of all those wonderful blogs and bloggers out there, looking forward to more and more of this enriching experience... I have resolved to keep up my daily walk routine, keep everyday food more healthier and share the major portion of my bakes...for the joy of sharing with others, the joy of baking for me:-).

The response to the section Baking Supplies And Ingredients In Bangalore (now with Google maps) has been overwhelming.  Am so very happy to see such enthusiasm and get support from baking enthusiasts in my endeavor to help grow the baking community,  in Bangalore particularly. Looking forward to your continued support. Suggestions for improvement in this area most welcome.

Three Cheers to home-baking and may the passionate home-bakers tribe increase!

Now, coming to the event and giveaway announcement, shall we call this as Bakeomania!!?  I will be giving away this wonderful book, which every baker would love to own.

Yes!! The Cake Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum! Gorgeous cake recipes, fillings and frostings you can pair them up with, decorating cakes and so much more!!

What you would need to do to get a chance to have this book on your shelf...

1.Bake Anything - A gorgeous cake, a fluffy bread, mouth-watering cookies, tempting desserts or decadent pies and post it on your blog. 

2. Please leave a comment here, blog about this giveaway with a link up to this announcement between today and 8th January 2011.

3. I will be accepting only vegetarian recipes as this is a vegetarian blog, eggs are allowed though.

4. Lets please keep the entries fresh and original. If you have baked from another blog or source, please make a mention and provide a link to the same wherever applicable.

5. Non-bloggers most welcome to participate, please leave a comment here and mail me your entries with the recipe details and a picture by 8th January 2011. Mail to suma dot rowjee at gmail dot com.

6. Multiple entries allowed.

7. This book will be shipped to any address in India. 

8. The winner of the giveaway will be announced on 10th January.

Could you please take a moment to tell me what you like about this blog, suggestions for improvement, in terms of recipes, the posts per se or just about anything. I would really, really  appreciate this.  And do mail me for any queries.

So switch on your ovens, get baking, put your best foot.. oooops.. bake forward!! Good luck!!


Geetha said...

Let me the first to congratulate you Suma!! I love your blog. I like the way you layout the recipes. Will be sure to send in some entries.

Assuming multiple entires are allowed??

Nivedita Thadani said...

HI Suma
Many many wishes and congratulations on the first year birthday of your yummy blog.
All the best for the future.
Let the stream of recipes here keep on coming in for years.

Nithu Bala said...

Congrats Dear:-) Love your cake recipes and always appreciate your baking talents...Nice way to celebrate:-) let me see if I can send some:-)

Unknown said...

CONGRATS!Suma..So Happy For You..I know how it feels..Aw..Ur Baby Is Going To Be One Year Old..Way To Go..Sending You Wishes filled with Lots Of Success And Happiness.Cheers.

Veggie Hut said...

Many Congrats Suma!

I am in for this event dear! Have a few of them in my drafts.. Cheers!

Pavithra Elangovan said...

Congrats on ur milestone Suma.. thats wonderful event.. Happy hosting. Keep rocking !!!

Umm Mymoonah said...

Congratulations Suma, that's reaaly nice to read about you. Congrats on your first event, like you I too love baking, so definitely I'll send my entries. Happy hosting.

notyet100 said...

congrats wish u many more,..;-)

harini-jaya said...

congrats! wish u many more blogging years..

Panchpakwan said...

Congarts Suma..hope to see many yummy recipes form u..
Lovely event and happy hosting.

Rachana said...

Congrats Suma :-)

Will definitely send you my entry for this lovely event.

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Congratulations on your blog's first anniversary. Every birthday is special, but non as much as the first one. :)
Wishing you many many more too.

Unknown said...

Oh wow, almost a year, time flies by. I will surely try to participate and whip up something :)

Priya Suresh said...

Congrats on ur blog anniversary Suma..Beautiful event...

Spice said...

Congrats dear.....and what a right time of your announcement, was just about to post a pie I made for thansgiving and saw your post in the dashboard....will def. send it to your way.....& will be looking forward to collection of yummilicious bakes on your blog as a b'day celebration....

Rekha said...

Isn't this the most exciting time? I have been visiting your blog ever since it started and have seen pleasant and appealing changes too from the layout to the photography..wow! you have come a long way suma..wishing you many more blogging years ahead.

Hmmm as I wish I am eyeing that lovely book..I must make efforts and bake something to own it :)

Spice said...

Suma just blogged about your giveaway...do U want email also or only the comment should do....see I'm so excited about the book....hehe

Divya Kudua said...

Congrats Suma..here's wishing your blog a very Happy Birthday and many many more!!You are right,health and weight issues shouldn't deter our baking spirits-keeping oneself healthy and sharing the baked goodies is a regime I follow too..may the tribe increase,hehe-love that line!!

Kitchen Boffin said...

i am first time here in ur blog and i think i came to a festive mood.. congrats on ur milestone, keep rocking.. nice layout! would love to get the book :)

Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma,
My entry for your event.

Anonymous said...

Advanced wishes for a very happy 1st anniversary of 'Cakes and More'!! May many many more a baked goodie see the light of day in your kitchen, and make their way here for us all to shamelessly drool at.
The giveaway sounds too good to be true! Im off to bake some delish stuff to send to your party, so gear up to get bombarded with loads of goodies coming your way from CCN!! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats...here's wishing your blog a very Happy Birthday.....I will try to send u the entry through mail

Deeba PAB said...

Happy blogiversary Suma...and yes, I love your blog too. The 'Baking Supplies' post is a fantastic resource. Well done my friend! Here's to an ever growing tribe of passionate home-bakers! Well said and such fun. What a great giveaway. I own this book...and it is indeed an excellent book to own!

Sayantani Mahapatra Mudi said...

before everything let me thank you first Suma. I finally baked my first bread with instant yeast and that too a gorgeous one...all credit goes to you though. That gloripan brand is simply amazing. the batter rose within half an hour that too at 9 in the evening....cant believe.
So am very much in, in this giveaway as have started baking a lot of Christmas goodies and yes breads...

Many many congrats on turning one...and want a lot of mouthwatering recipes with your brilliant write ups.

Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma,
My second entry for your event.

Musica said...

Hi Suma,
Discovered your blog only yesterday. And I fell in love with it. And first thing I made is Garlic Knots.I also stay in Bangalore and cant thank you enuff for your compilation of Baking supplies shops. My entry to your contest is Garlic Knots from your own blog , with all the credits given to you.:)

Ally said...


Advanced wishes to the blog...and looking forward to taking part.


Sum said...

Oooo Hooooo Hooo... Congratulations!! Keep coming with all those drool worthy recipes! All the Best!

Musica said...

And the link is:

Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma, Your new header looks very good. Here is my third entry, hope you don't mind about too many entries:-)

Torviewtoronto said...

first time here lovely site will send in an entry soon
check out the event in my site

Veggie Hut said...


Hi Suma,

my first entry for ut event.. Will surely send some more..

Preeti said...

Hi Suma,
I can so much relate to your feelings cause my blog is just 6 months old and am loving it so much. Never, ever dreamt about baking in my life, let alone blogging!! Guess what, I am going to participate in blog's birthday event and celebrate here in UK for you. Congrats dear!!!

Preeti said...

Hi Suma,
Happy birthday to your blog ...here is a present for you....have fun

Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma,
Here is my 4th entry for your event.

Reva said...

Congrats on your "bloganniversary".. hope you see many more. I am Reva and a new blogger. This my first entry for this eventt...will send some more. Do visit my site. I would love to have your comments.


Monika (Sin-A-Mon) said...

happy anniversary :)

and here is my entry http://sinamontales.wordpress.com/2010/12/22/time-for-some-xmas-cake/

Rachana said...

My entry for the event.


Swathi said...

Here is my entry for the event.


Reva said...

This is my second entry....

Ally said...


Here's my entry to you event

Happy hosting..and wishing you more success!! Way to go!!


Sayantani Mahapatra Mudi said...


Told you I want this book very badly and here is the proof :-)
am going to flood you with all my Christmas bakes.
1. An Orange flavoured tutti frutti cake: http://ahomemakersdiary.blogspot.com/2010/12/orange-flavored-tutti-frutti-cake.html

2. Almond Linzer cookies:

3. Mince pie with homemade suet free mincemeat:

4. Peanut butter and chocolate marble cookies:

5. Baked savory Onion Crackers:

6. Tomato tart with homemade shortcrust pastry:

Hope to add more in my coming posts.
Happy holidays.

Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma,
Here is my another entry.

Ally said...


No added fat what so ever for the tuscan panforte...thats the best part...try it out...its pretty rich in the texture...

Divya Kudua said...

Christmas Fruit & Nut Cake - http://divyascookbook.blogspot.com/2010/12/christmas-fruit-nut-cake.html

Divya Kudua said...

Dates and Walnut Cookies - http://divyascookbook.blogspot.com/2010/12/dates-and-walnut-cookies.html

Divya Kudua said...

Old-Fashioned Cherry Loaf Cake - http://divyascookbook.blogspot.com/2010/12/old-fashioned-cherry-loaf-cake.html

Divya Kudua said...

Garlic Pull-apart Rolls - http://divyascookbook.blogspot.com/2010/12/garlic-pull-apart-rolls.html

Gayathri Kumar said...

Congrats on your achievement. I like your blog. The tips you give are really very useful and here is my entry.Eggless Chocolate cup cake- http://gayathriscookspot.blogspot.com/2010/12/eggless-chocolate-cupcakes-with-choco.html

Reva said...

My third entry....

Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma,
This is my sixth entry

Mehnaz Kapadia said...

Hi Suma,

My first time here! :) And i already love your enthusiasm! You know when i was reading this post of yours i could totally understand your feelings about starting up your blog! I have just started blogging and i went through the same when i started it! Anyway i am glad to come across you and your blog!

Sending you my entry which i posted today :)


Thanks and regards,

Mehnaz Kapadia

Padhu Sankar said...

Dear Suma
My entry for this event


Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma,
My entry for your event.

Divya Kudua said...

Tribute to Katharine Hepburn Brownies - http://divyascookbook.blogspot.com/2011/01/tribute-to-katharine-hepburn.html

Hasna said...

Lovely....going to send u some of ma entries.....keep rocking...wonderful pix & recipes....

Ally said...

my second entry

oooh im all excited at your event!!

Sayantani Mahapatra Mudi said...

Here are all the entries suma

1. An Orange flavoured tutti frutti cake: http://ahomemakersdiary.blogspot.com/2010/12/orange-flavored-tutti-frutti-cake.html

2. Almond Linzer cookies:

3. Mince pie with homemade suet free mincemeat:

4. Peanut butter and chocolate marble cookies:

5. Baked savory Onion Crackers:

6. Tomato tart with homemade shortcrust pastry:

7. Candy cane cookies

8. Marble sugar cookies

Spice said...

HI Suma,One more bake for U'r b'day celebration...Eggless Sugar Cookies...just posted:


Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma,
My entry for your event

DHIVYA said...

Hi Suma,
I follow your blog regularly. I have bookmarked some of the recipes posted in your blog. Will try something from them and definitely post it.
My entry to your event is:

Ally said...

third entry for you...


Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma,
My entry for your event.

M D said...

Firstly, Belated wishes to your bloggy for turning one! Congrats and keep up the good work!

Secondly Suma, I think I missed seeing this post! How could I! So glad you came up with this giveaway and I would love to be a part of this. I am sure you are flooded with entries! Please find my entries for the same.




Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Raji said...

Hi Suma

My first entry for your event



Umm Mymoonah said...

Hi Suma,
My entry for your event

Veggie Hut said...


My last minute entry!


CurryLeaf said...

Hi Suma,
Please find my very last minute entry - http://tastycurryleaf.blogspot.com/2011/01/pain-depices-french-spice-bread-for.html

Waiting for the lucky winner!

Padmajha said...

Hi Suma,this is the link to my entry

Keeping my fingers crossed :)

Nachiketa said...

my entry says it all for you... :)

Happy New Year!!!
The Variable, Crazy Over Desserts - Nachiketa
Catch me on facebook @ Crazy Over Desserts

Anonymous said...

Hey Suma,
I finally made it...hurrah! And phew :P
Im so glad I could finally make what you have been asking me for, for a really long time now. I hope the wait was worth it!
Here's my Eggless Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake, just for you and your Bloggiversary virtual party - http://cookcurrynook.wordpress.com/2011/01/12/eggless-triple-chocolate-mousse-cake/

Happy Birthday to Cakes and More, all over again :)